Quilt your blocks now — join your blocks later! Learn ways to build your quilt block by block, then assemble the finished blocks into an entire quilt. It’s fun, it’s fast, and it's easy!
Break down large projects into manageable sections with Quilt As You Go. During this virtual presentation, you’ll learn how to quilt first, then applique, and finally piece. Quilt As You Go turns traditional quilting techniques on their head!
You will learn:
- How to piece and quilt at the same time
- Several easy and quick ways to join finished blocks
- How to add depth and dimension to your quilt blocks with mylar designs
- Techniques for quilting around embroidery designs
- How assembly methods can mimic a whole cloth quilt
- Quilting techniques that conserve fabric
Event Attendees will also receive a FREE piece in-the-hoop design!
*Registration is required. The video link will be emailed to you the day before and the morning of class. If you do not see the emails, try checking your spam folder.
Virtual Presentation Time:
Tuesday 12/3, 9:00am - 10:30am Pacific Time