“Oi! Wimpy here, to guide you through the process of taking better care of your woollen garb. I can go on and on about this lovely, natural material and its impressive benefits. Wool keeps me warm during the winter and cool in the summer. Wool fibres are breathable and absorb large quantities of moisture, evaporating it into the air. It’s antimicrobial, which mostly means your woollens are pretty odour resistant. I’ve never met a sheep that didn’t smell fantastic! If ewe have ever had any wool garments, you know there’s something special about them. Sadly, the production of wool has a pretty big impact on our planet. Sheep need lots of land and produce tons of methane (excuse me). The conditions for these sheep are sometimes quite poor, but it is possible to buy organic, mulesing-free wool which is much more friendly to us and the rest of the planet."
Made in the Netherlands